Christian Walk, Faith, God, Testimony, True Story

When God Turned a Ream of A4 Paper to Piles of Books

Last year, I applied for the Special Professional Licensure Exam (SPLE) for Psychometricians in Abu Dhabi, UAE in the hopes to improve my career. I have done the requirements, and the next step was to study for review. We are blessed that nowadays, so many review materials are available within our fingertips. One example is the free e-books circulating on the internet. However, it is very strenuous to the eyes if you read e-books on your gadgets. Well, in my case, I had to print those suggested review materials given to us and that was my problem. I didn’t have a printer. I never thought of needing one since I only print in the office. Commercial printing in Dubai is quite expensive unlike in the Philippines, not to mention that you will be printing thick books!

I had already exhausted my savings just for acquiring my documents (processing and shipping fees from Dubai to the Philippines then back to Dubai). Again, I prayed to God to help me, this time with my review materials. When I finished praying, I remembered that I have a church mate who has a printer who lives nearby my flat. At least my expenses would be cut. At least I only had to buy A4 paper and ink cartridge. I contacted Alex and asked him that I would use his printer. I was so glad that he would lend me his printer. After talking to Alex, I asked my roommate Jessa to accompany me to buy the stuff for printing. I knew that I would need more A4 paper and ink cartridges. So, I decided to print first the documents that I urgently needed. With that in mind, I only bought one ream of A4 paper and an ink cartridge. After shopping, Jessa and I both agreed to stroll around the mall before heading to Alex’s place. We enjoyed window shopping so much that we lost track of time. Silly us! I told Jessa that it was already late. And, maybe Alex had gone to sleep too. I didn’t want to cause Jessa and Alex more trouble. I thought to myself that I would print the ebooks the next day instead. So, we went home. Since it was summertime in the UAE, it was very humid, even if it was already late at night. When we reached home, we got so thirsty that we hurriedly went to the pantry to drink water. Cheyser, our housemate happened to be in the pantry as well. She asked us where we’d been. And so, I told her the story.

Upon hearing my new endeavor, Cheyser was so thrilled about it. Much to my surprise, she offered me something that I was not expecting at all. She said that she would print all the e-books and review materials that I needed. I couldn’t believe my ears. I couldn’t imagine God’s providence. I didn’t see it coming at all! I thought that my plan for using Alex’s printer was a good idea. However, God gave me a better, much better solution to my ‘problem’. You see, the gesture of my housemate, Cheyser, reminded me about a scripture in Isaiah 55:8-9 which says, “for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” I thought that my way of saving money by using Alex’s printer was good. However, God’s way was much better. Instead of buying many reams of A4 and lots of ink cartridges. God used my housemate Cheyser to print all of my review materials for FREE! Isn’t it amazing?

As Christians, we don’t believe in coincidences. We believe that we meet people for a reason and a purpose. God’s ways and plans are better than ours. And, not to mention His timing, always perfect. I was so convinced that meeting Cheyser in the pantry at that specific time (especially when Cheyser usually sleeps early) was God’s way of answering my prayer. God answered my prayer through my friend Cheyser.

There is no wonder to me why our Father is called Almighty Father. He does mighty things. He is a God of infinite possibilities. Amazing God, He truly is. I had an ear-to-ear smile and was a little bit teary-eyed when I reached home the following day seeing the printed e-books placed on our table. God is marvelous! I still couldn’t fathom how great His measures are. Marveled as I was, I touched the books as if it was treasures of gold! I felt like God was telling me, “Here Rebecca, I have had provided you ALL the things you needed. Go, study, and give your very best.”

The A4 paper that I bought (left), and the printed review materials that gave me for FREE (right).

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