Christian Walk, Faith, God, Miracles, Success Story, Testimony, triumph, True Story

God Works in Mysterious Ways

I really do not know where and how to start my testimony because I felt that God has always been in everything that happened in my life. My parents used to tell us that there was a time when my mother experienced bleeding while she was pregnant with me, and they thought that she would have a miscarriage. However, God allowed that little life growing inside her womb to enjoy the abundance of His blessings and love within a family. And so, here I am now, alive and saved by God’s grace!  You may be worried that I would be telling you a long autobiography but fret not because I will not take so much of your time and what I will be sharing with you is the latest miracle that I have received. “Miracle” may be an overstatement, but I could not even describe the right words that transpired my recent experience, and since it happened beyond human faculties, thus, I can only perceive it as such.

Last 2020, I graduated from my MS degree. It took me four years to finish the course. It was a long, arduous but fulfilling journey. I initially planned to resign from my current work and go back to my hometown after completing my master’s program. However, nothing truly satiates a man’s ego. I desired to continue my graduate studies, and with the onset of the pandemic that year, I decided to stay because it was difficult to travel and find a job in the province. I prayed and confessed to God my heart’s desire. At that time, two of my workmates had just recently left for South Korea to study in the same university. So, I also chose to apply for Ph.D. in that same institution. I sent e-mails to prospective research advisers, but none replied. I was not discouraged, I prayed and continued to secure the requirements for my application.

Then one day, a scholarship advertisement popped out on my newsfeed on Facebook. The said graduate scholarship was offered by an Australian university. I was not really interested at first, but I told my sister about it. She encouraged me to try because maybe, South Korea is not for me. I was reluctant because I thought that Australia is too far, but I applied anyway. The first step of the application was to select a research adviser from a faculty list. I really prayed and asked God’s guidance on who to choose then I came across a professor whose research area impressed me. I e-mailed him but received no reply then I sent another mail. Unlike the previous professors in South Korea to whom I e-mailed for the second time, that professor replied and gave his endorsement for my application. I did not pursue my application in South Korea because I have to take an English proficiency test and I did not have enough money for it. I submitted my application for that university in Australia in November of 2020. I waited six months for the results.

I was seeing myself that by July 2021, I will be leaving and starting my Ph.D. in that university. I always included it in my prayers. As the days were approaching the deadline of the results, it dawned on me that the scholarship grant is not enough to get me into Australia because it does not cover pre-departure expenses and if ever, I qualify, the allowance will only be released upon the arrival of the student at the university. At the back of my mind, I was having some doubts. So, I prayed to God and told Him of my worries about the expensive visa processing, deposit for my on-campus accommodation, quarantine costs, and the pocket money while traveling. Every day, I was hopeful that God will answer my prayers. Then came the month of May and the results were out. I did not qualify. That day was really heart-wrenching. I thought that my efforts to complete the requirements were wasted. I inquired the registrar about it, and they explained that there were no available scholarships for my course that would suit my research and advised me that I can still proceed with an admission application for Ph.D. candidature. I informed my adviser and the faculty about the scholarship outcome. My adviser told me that his research funds cannot help to support me in my studies and advised me to apply for external funding. I did not give up. I continued my application for a Ph.D. candidature and fortunately, a foreign scholarship in our agency was offered at that time. I received the admission offer in June 2021 then I proceeded with my scholarship application in our office. This time again, I waited for six months. According to the posted schedule, there was supposed to be an interview for the applicants in November.

I gradually became anxious because I did not receive an e-mail about it. So, I regularly made follow-ups every week from mid-November until the first week of December. On the 6th day of December, I received an e-mail that the research council endorsed the approval of my application. I was also instructed to prepare a budget proposal for the funding. The news delighted me and my family. More than a week had passed but there was no feedback on the result of the final evaluation. I e-mailed the scholarship administrator. I was hopeful that the result is positive, but I slightly doubted that my application will be approved because the total amount I estimated in my budget proposal was quite large due to my tuition fee. True enough, my application was rejected because my proposed budget was considerably higher than the scholarship grant, even though my research proposal passed the council’s assessment. Right at that moment I received the e-mail, several emotions were swelling over me but there’s no way I could let it out for I was working at that time in the office. I felt numb and the thought that I was rejected had not completely sunk in me. I suddenly felt tired and stopped from what I was doing then I went home early that day.

As soon I got home, I informed our agency’s director and my adviser. Our director immediately replied. She told me that we would review and revised my budget proposal and that she would write a letter for reconsideration. I was comforted by the support she provided. I waited for my adviser’s reply, but no message came. I prayed and asked God to show His will because I was confused about what He really wanted to happen. I thought that if it was not His plan for me to pursue a Ph.D. then he should not have answered my previous prayers for an adviser and the endorsement from the research council. In other words, I complained and confessed my frustrations because He allowed me to wait for one year and then be disappointed in the end. As I woke up early the following day, I received an e-mail from my adviser. He explained that He was not able to immediately reply because He looked for any possible ways to help me. He discussed my situation with the faculty so that I will be given a scholarship for free tuition. He told me not to worry and enjoy my vacation because my tuition fee will certainly be waived and if ever, my application in our agency will not be reconsidered then he will be the one to fund my living allowance. I could not help but be amazed as I was reading his e-mail. I did not expect him to help me that far because at first, he told me that his research fund was limited. I wondered what made him change his mind. I realized that everything was turned on in my favor in less than 24 hours and there’s only one being who can make all these things possible.

I thought He was silent, but it was I who was impatient. God had been quietly working to set everything in place for me. In the first month of this year, I received the scholarship offer for free tuition from the university. It helped me to reduce the total amount of my proposed budget. I submitted the revised budget proposal with the letter for reconsideration from our director. Though things seemed to be working smoothly, I was still worried that my application will not be reconsidered. There were no e-mails for a month about the outcome.

Again, my patience was fading each day. But this time, I had put my faith in God’s will that if He will not allow it then I’m asking that He’ll give me strength to move on. Often, I woke up at dawn and speak with Him. One time, I asked God to tell me what to do. After I prayed, I closed my eyes and opened the bible. As I opened my eyes, I read a part of the verse where my finger was pointing. It was in Isaiah 49:23 and it says “I Am the LORD: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me”. After that encounter, I chose not to worry anymore for God’s promises never fail. As in the days of old, His words surely come to pass. One morning, as I was in a rush preparing to leave for work, I received an e-mail, and attached were the notice of award and the scholarship certification. Before I phone-called my family, I knelt in prayer and thanked God for everything He had done. The grant awarded will provide me allowances for my pre-departure expenses, book and relocation allowance, health/accident insurance, school fees, and an advanced release of my stipend. Since I was given free tuition scholarship by the university, I had already received my Confirmation of Enrolment which is required for visa processing. I am just now waiting for the release of my grant from our agency to apply for the visa. Thinking back on all that had happened, I realized that God never missed a single item of my requests a year ago. I felt ashamed, humbled, and blessed.

I hope this story of mine can inspire and encourage others to dream, hope, and trust God’s purpose in our life.

I Am the LORD: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me

Isaiah 49:23
Christian Walk, Faith, God, Reflections, Testimony, Uncategorized

Lest We Forget

Have you ever been in a situation where you were extremely stressed about solving your problem? Oftentimes, being independent as I am, I always try to solve my problems by myself. As much as possible, I don’t seek help from others as long as I deem it solvable by myself. I always tell myself, “I can do this.” When we try to solve a problem, we look deeper to understand it and eventually find a solution. However, as I focus more on the problem and try to figure it out, the more I get frustrated.

January is my birth month. I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my family and friends. However, the supposed resources for my budget didn’t materialize because of some unexpected circumstances. As my day gets nearer, the more I get perplexed. I started to get worried.  I tried to solve my problem my way but couldn’t seem to find a solution. I poured out my anxieties to God. I couldn’t help but cry out of my helplessness. After praying, I come across some motivational videos which say, “seek ye first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33).” As I watched more videos from that page, I heard a song with lyrics that say,

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full on his wonderful face..

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim

In the light of His glory and grace…”

My tears were pouring as I realized, how could I be so proud by trying so hard to be self-reliant! God reminded me that instead of focusing on the problem, I need to turn my focus to God. The more you focus on your problems, the more your problem gets magnified, and find yourself overwhelmed. Instead of seeking solutions to your problem, seek God first.

When it dawned upon me, I surrendered to God my problems. God helped me realize that He is in control. That I should not worry if things get out of hand if things didn’t go as planned. God made me understand the deeper meaning of His word when He said, “come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28)”. That night I told God, “Lord, here are my problems, I could not handle it anymore, please take care of it.” I said to myself, I should have surrendered it from the start. After surrendering to God everything, I decided not to care about it anymore because that is how it’s supposed to be. Do not leave any worries for yourself. Give it all to God. Leave it to God. That’s why people say, “Let go and let God.” That night I was able to sleep well. The next morning, lo and behold, a friend of mine messaged me and asked me if I was interested to do a side job. I was amazed at how God has solved my problems. He paved a way for me, and He even gave me more blessings. Blessings overflowed, and so does God’s love and mercy. He gave me more than what I asked for, more than what I expected.

When storms arise, may we not be shaken. May we remember the God, our Father in Heaven who is omniscient and omnipotent. He is our Father who cares for us. I praise God because when I forgot His promises and His instructions, He did not hesitate to remind me that He is my Father who loves me and promised to take care of me.

In this experience, God did not just remind me about His promises, He also taught me how to humble myself in His presence. He taught me that I should put my trust in and on Him, to trust Him completely, with all my heart (Proverbs 3:5-6). That I should not rely on my own strength for I am weak.  That I am just a human, a finite being, but I can rest my hope to Him, a God who is also my Father whose wisdom and power are infinite and unmeasurable. A God who can do things that are impossible to man. And, above all, a loving Father who does not want to let His child get astray if he forgets his way.

Christian Walk, Covid-19, Faith, God, Reflections, Uncategorized


Last year, during the lockdown period due to COVID-19 in the UAE, I stayed at my relatives’ residence for some time. After few days from moving in, I noticed that my skin had red patches. My entire skin was very itchy. I had rashes. I don’t have any food allergies, so I was wondering what was happening. I decided to observe my skin. Days passed, I hoped that the rashed would eventually disappear. Unfortunately, it didn’t. That’s when I decided to go to the clinic to get checked. Because it was the height of the pandemic, my uncle was EXTRA cautious of anything concerning COVID-19. He was concerned that I might have had COVID. He told me that he read an article that says that rashes are one of the symptoms of COVID. I understand his concern and what he was implying, but I think otherwise. I was more concerned about my allergy. I needed to know the cause of it. I gathered up my courage to ask permission from my uncle because he is so strict about stepping outside the house! I remembered this passage in the Bible which says, “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).” I held on to that promise and prayed to God to grant my uncle peace from worrying about the possibility of me having COVID, which would mean that I could put them at risk.

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

I visited the nearest clinic, and I was diagnosed with contact dermatitis. I had contact dermatitis before, and I knew that it was because of the soap that I was using. My uncle enquires about my check-up. I was relieved to tell him the good news! The issue was minor, and that he has nothing to worry about it. The next day after my check-up, I received a message from my uncle that his result from the swab test was negative. I was surprised why he sent me his results. I found out that their company arranged a regular PCR test for all their staff yesterday as well. Silently, I told myself, “praise the Lord!”

Indeed, God gave me peace — peace of mind from Covid and the cause of my rashes! What are the things that bother you? No matter how big or trivial our worries may be, God has the power to quiet our troubled mind and soul. He can easily still the tempest storms in our lives. So, worry no more because our Lord Jesus Christ can give us the peace that we ever desired. He wants us to cast all our worries to Him, for He cares about us. God is the source of our peace, a kind of peace that passeth all understanding. No wonder why He is also named the Prince of Peace. Shalom!

Christian Walk, Faith, God, Reflections, Success Story, Testimony, True Story, Uncategorized


Out of 160 doctors of Doctors to the Barrios (DTTB) batch 36, who come from different places and universities of the Philippines, I was the only Seventh-day Adventist believer. My journey in undertaking Masters in Public Health degree at the University of the Philippines-Manila was not easy. There were always Saturday classes, and some subjects did not allow me to take special exams, quizzes, or laboratory activities. In fact, I struggled a lot and got worried several times. I know that I am not intelligent enough, and worse, I would miss my academic requirements.

Sabbath should be a peaceful day, yet during my postgraduate days, I had no peace. I was bothered because of Saturday classes. As a matter of fact, there had been many times that I got tempted to attend the said classes, which would mean polluting the Sabbath. In my mind, I was thinking, “Lord, if I would miss my classes and knowing that I am not intelligent, how could I catch up with my lessons and requirements? Should I attend the class instead?” In my confusion, God intervened. He gave me the courage and walked me to church to worship Him. I did not worry about missing the classes anymore. With due respect to my professors, I asked them permission not to attend the classes on Saturdays. And by God’s grace, I was excused. I stopped worrying. I find myself every Saturday morning busy preparing for church while my classmates were busy with the day’s activities.

Thank you, Pasay Adventist Church, for the warm welcome every time I attend Sabbath services. Who would have thought that an average student like me would be able to graduate from one of the most renowned and reputable universities in our country? Not to mention that I missed my classes on Saturdays! God is indeed merciful and generous to His people.

I want to thank my professors who permitted me to take special exams that were supposedly on Sabbath. Doctor Beng Mortel and Doctor Ants Cordero! I will never forget you all.

Thank you to my friends for letting me borrow your lecture notes that I missed during Sabbath.

To my Nanay (mother), who has dementia. I know that you are very proud of me. Thank you also to my siblings for the support and motivation. I love you all.

And above all else, I wanted to lift and glorify our Almighty Father. It is all because of God that I have come this far and achieved this milestone in my life. When I felt incompetent and was afraid of the possibility of failing, You assured me of your promise in Isaiah 41:13 that says, “For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” Thank you, Lord! All praises and glory be to Your name.

It’s official.

For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.”

breakup, Christian Walk, Faith, Friendship, God, heartache, moving on, Reflections, Relationships, Testimony, True Story, Uncategorized


There had been many instances in my life where I felt insecure. I want to share how God has helped me come to my senses—like literally, to make me understand and change my perspective on how I see myself.

I was an NBSB or No Boyfriend Since Birth for more than twenty years. Throughout those years, I thought to myself, “what is wrong with me?” I ask myself and my friends, “Am I ugly? Am I not pretty enough to attract a guy?” What was more frustrating to me was when my friends and other people tell me these cliché lines:

“You are pretty, but why is it that you’re still single?”
“Maybe you are very picky?”
“You look so stern. Maybe they are intimidated by you. You have to smile always.”
“Maybe your standards are too high.” 
“You look okay, you’re beautiful but why you’re still single, even those who are not that good-looking have boyfriends, why is it that you didn’t have?”

I understand that some of them were just curious. However, their comments add up to my insecurity and wonderment about not having a romantic relationship. Mostly I replied to those who asked me, “Maybe it is not yet time; it could be that they find me intimidating, for which reason I have no idea.”

I was insecure about my appearance. Maybe I was not good enough. Sometimes, I ask my closest friends what could be wrong with me? I also ask God, “What’s wrong with me, Lord? What do I need to do or change?”

Finally, the time came when God allowed me to be in a relationship. However, all of it did not work out. The last relationship I had was the most painful. I deeply loved my ex-boyfriend. Unfortunately, he told me that he fell out of love. I had no choice but to let him go. It was painful but I knew that God helped me sever that relationship. The relationship was doomed, to begin with. We were of a different faith. We were not equally yoked. Thus, God closed the door for us for He knew that I would not do anything to end our relationship. God is so good. Despite the pain of the breakup, it was indeed necessary. Sometimes we make our own storm but God being so good is always ready to rescue you. He saved me from the unseen misery that our relationship may bring. There were many times I prayed for our relationship to work but, my prayer was wrong. It was not His will. God must have said that enough is enough and I praise Him for that.

I was broken-hearted and cried out to God all my frustrations, sadness, and the pain of being rejected. I also cried because of His goodness towards me. He delivered me from such a relationship. God protected me from falling any deeper in love, which would equate to more hurt. God is good. I felt embarrassed and ashamed of my decisions, yet I praise God for His tender mercies and compassion towards me. By disobeying God, I knew in my heart that I have had hurt Him, the One whose love for me is so profound.

It took me some time to move on. One day, I was in the mall with my friend. I saw many good-looking girls, with very nice figures, and all. When I went home, I talked to God and told Him about my insecurities. In my prayer, I said, “Lord, am I not good enough? Maybe my ex found someone better, prettier, taller, and sexier. Lord, am I ugly? I do not understand, Lord. You said that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. But why do I feel so ugly? Why do people reject me?” I fell deep into incertitude, so I reached out to God because I could not bear such overwhelming low self-esteem.

You are very beautiful, very beautiful…”

The night after I prayed, I went to my friend’s home to record a song for our church service. Before heading to their home, we decided to get some treats. As soon as we finished our dessert, we checked out and went. We were halfway to my friend’s house when a guy was chasing us. He was rushing towards us and was calling me out with a loud voice, “Miss! Excuse me, Miss!” I was puzzled. Maybe I might have left some of my belongings in the shop, I thought. We halted and waited for him to catch up. When this guy reached us, he was gasping for air and said politely, I just wanna tell you that you are very beautiful, very beautiful, he repeated. I was dumbfounded! I was caught off guard. I did not expect that to come out of his mouth. With all respect I replied, “thank you!” And he left just like that. My friend and I were left confused for some time and smiled. Then after a few moments, I remembered my prayer the other night and told my friend about it. I am convinced that that was God’s way of clearing my doubts. His way of encouraging me, through a stranger.

Your feelings are not always the truth...

It seemed like God used that person to tell me that I am not ugly. God assured me that I am very beautiful for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. What happened made me realize that God hears and answers our prayers. He also cares for our feelings. The book of Psalm 34:18 tells us that, “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted; and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” God comforted me with the words that I needed to hear. I could not believe that He used that person to tell me those words that would put an end to my doubts. God understands us more than ourselves. Months passed. I reflected on what the pastor said in his message, saying, your feelings are not always the truth. I remembered that incident when I was in despair, feeling dejected, and miserable about myself.

God is so patient in dealing with me. He chastised me and corrected me gently. He broadened my perspective. What God taught me about my experience were the following:

  • Time. God made me realize that there is time for everything. Getting into a relationship is not a race nor of ‘face-value’. Some may have married at a young age, in their thirties, forties, etc. But all are in God’s perfect timing. Allow God to set everything in place in His own time. Before, I used to get pressured because of my family and friends. But now, I have matured enough and learned that God’s timing is different from ours. If there are delays, there must be a reason and purpose behind them. We have to learn how to wait on the Lord and exercise on how to be patient.
  • Relationship. God blesses your relationship if it is according to His will. You will never be truly happy unless you choose God first, including your relationship. Also, we have to ask God if it is His will for you to be single or married.
  • Love. Love is a principle. It is not driven merely by attraction (physical appearance). It is not just a feeling. Love is about God. A speaker once said, “in a relationship, you must have God’s love in you and you should be ready to share that love with your partner.” We do not love on our own, we love because God first loved us. More importantly, God is love. We can only truly love if we know God.
  • God loves you. He loves you so much that He will not let you become miserable. He will save you and deliver you from anything that will eventually hurt you. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He knows the future. He knows what would happen if I would continue that relationship.
  • Pray. In prayer, we have to surrender to God everything – our feelings, hurts, pain, happiness, relationships, career, family, plans, and our own will. The scripture tells us, “Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established. (Provers 16:3). God loves to hear and answer our prayers. You may look into these beautiful verses– Psalm 116:1-2 and Psalm 66:19.
  • Our heart is deceitful. In my experience, I was feeling ugly, worthless, and unworthy to be loved. But, it is not always the TRUTH. Many Bible verses contradict such ‘feelings’ such as Jeremiah 31:3, Psalm 139:14; John 3:16, Isaiah 43:4… Oh, so many words of love from God.7. Let God write your love story for you. After all, He is the best author.

I am not an expert on love. But, these are the testimonies and learnings that I could share with you and how God has been patient and good to me. There will be more reflections in our walk of life with our God.


Christian Walk, Faith, God, Reflections

You Can Face Tomorrow

This year has never been easy for most of us. It may be one of the worst years in our lives. Nevertheless, we have to be thankful that despite our hardships, our silent battles, our unspoken pains, the tears shed in secret, God was there all along.

Many of us were (and still are) infected and affected with COVID-19. Some lost their loved ones. Some lost their businesses, their jobs, and even their homes. We can lose everything we possess, but we cannot afford to lose sight of God. Let’s remember that the Lord gives and takes away (Job 1:21). Whatever it is that God has taken away from you, always know and remind yourself that God never makes mistakes and He loves you so dearly.

When things don’t go our way, our human nature gets us feeling confused, dishearted, and discouraged about what is happening in our lives, especially when we don’t see God’s plan for us. And when things seem to fall apart, and when we don’t meet our goals. When life looks pitch-black to you, perhaps you are focusing on your problems. Focus your eyes on Jesus, instead. This line from a song reminds me to always look upon Jesus:

O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Savior
And life more abundant and free

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace

Those lines uplift my spirit. I tried to recall and reflect on this year’s events. I realized that this year is not all that bad. I counted my problems, and as expected, God helped me make it through. My blessings were (and are!) numerous compared to my so-called “problems.” And these trials are even blessings. Perhaps we can say that we don’t have problems as it is considered a ‘blessing.’ Oh well… Maybe we need to change how we see things.

What are the good things that God gave you this year? What lessons did you learn? Let’s start with our very life. The fact that we’re still breathing is a blessing. A lot of pestilence and tribulations happened this year. But, here we are, we made it through! And that is worth saying “THANK YOU, LORD!”. We ought to praise our Lord God Almighty who made us come this far, the One who keeps us from falling (Jude 24:24), the One who sustains us, and the One who loves us the most.

The future is uncertain. We don’t know if next year will be better or worse. But with God, we have confidence that no matter how hard life may be, God will take care of us. He will hold us with His mighty hands. You have made it this far. And, definitely, you can weather any storm that may come. You can face tomorrow because God is with you.

Christian Walk, Faith, Family relationships, God, Relationships, True Story

God, My Matchmaker

Please allow me to share my love journey on how I found my way to my husband because I believe God has led me to him in a wonderful way. This story is about my search for the ‘right one’.

As I was growing up, I didn’t have big dreams like most kids do. Like some kids want to be a doctor, or a teacher, etc. My dream was very simple, I just want to have a happy family of my own. That definition of a happy family became clearer to me when I became an SDA. I was 20 years old at that time and just graduated from college. I had come to learn the biblical principles of marriage. That marriage is a sacred thing to God, and who I am going to marry is one of the most crucial decisions I will ever make in my life. And so I prayed, “Lord, I only have 2 goals in life now as a Christian. First, I want to be saved and go to heaven someday. Second, I want to get married at the age of 25 (that was the ideal age for me to marry), please lead me to the right person to marry, someone who loves You with all his heart.”

Time passed by in my Christian walk. I passed the age of 25 but I haven’t found the one. Somewhere along the way, I met this guy, they had a singing group that sang so well. Me and my siblings decided to join them since we love to sing too, and we love the songs they’re singing. After some time, this guy started to pursue me and I accepted him. We would always be invited to sing in churches near and far. But, time and again, I wonder why he would have to call it off simply because he is not in the mood to sing. Our singing ministry was affected since he was the lead singer and we cannot sing without him. Eventually, I found out the truth that he was into serious vices, really serious vices that cause his bipolar behaviour, constant mood swings, and a horrible temper. I was so surprised to know his condition thinking that he is a professed Christian and we are singing for God. But at the same time, I felt deep pity as he was like a lost sheep. So, I commissioned myself to play the part of his spiritual guardian. I set a goal in my heart that I would lead him back to God. Every midweek, vesper, and Sabbath I would encourage him to come to church with me. Every day I would call and pray for him. But oftentimes he would excuse himself. We continued our singing with the hope that the songs will inspire him to change. We scheduled practice several times a week to prevent him from going somewhere else and be with a bad company. Even if my workplace was really very far and I was so tired from work, I came all the way and wouldn’t miss practice because he wouldn’t be encouraged when I’m not around. But, the worst thing of all was to bear his terrible behaviour. He would be very angry when I checked on him. It would be an outrage. And worse, his words were unbearable. I even took him to a Christian psychologist with the hopes that he would change and be counselled. Yet, nothing happened.

One day, my mother confronted me and said that she sees my life would be miserable if I end up with this guy. I would always see her cry over the phone, telling her sister how worried she was of me. All my friends said the same thing. I knew they were right, they just wanted the best for me. But I couldn’t leave the guy. I was blinded by the strong emotions that he would change because he is an SDA. I thought to myself that I just have had to sacrifice a little more and wait a little more. It went on for quite some time until I realized, I had sacrificed so much of my time for him. So much pain and tears. I had prayed so hard and so much. I grew very tired of enduring everything! And, all my efforts would be in vain unless he surrenders himself to God, I couldn’t make him change. At that time, I cried my most sincere prayer to God, I said, “Lord, I’ve done my all for him, I think it’s time for me to move on with my life. Give me the courage to leave him. I know this is not the kind of man You want me to end up with. I’m praying for a real SDA man, not just by name, but a real godly man.”

Just a few days after that prayer, I received a call from my brother who was working here in Dubai at that time. He said, “why don’t you come here and try to find work. You will enjoy it here.” I told him, “no, I don’t have plans of going abroad. I am happy with my work in MAMC and I don’t want to leave home.” But then, a few weeks after that conversation, I started to have problems with my work in MAMC. Then, I suddenly thought of my brother’s invitation to come to Dubai. So, again I prayed to God, “Lord, if this is Your way of helping me out of my relationship with this guy, I am willing to go
there, even if it’s not in my plans to go abroad, I will go if that is Your will for me.”
That was December when I resigned. Then in February, I came here. It was heartbreaking to leave everything behind. But you know, in that brokenheartedness, I never knew that God had prepared a wonderful surprise for me here in Dubai.

When I came here, the first thing that my brother told me was, “You came right in time, join me in giving Bible study to my friend Reggie”, –who is now my husband. God had brought me in this place because this is where I would meet the right man, the man that I would marry. And I believe that it was not a mere coincidence that my brother was giving him Bible study at that time. He was being prepared by God to grant me the godly man I was praying for. And true enough, he became a real SDA. Moreover, he’s kind, gentle, and good-looking. I was actually the one who invited him to come to church in the middle part of our Bible study because my brother was hesitant to invite him. And from that first Sabbath on, until now, he never missed a single Sabbath in church. Everything had been right and light, smooth, and sweet. No more drama, no more tears. My prayer had been granted. God gave me the desire of my heart because I prayed in full surrender that He knows what’s best for me. I just let Him lead my way. It was the right time with the right person.

I married at 31. Yes, the wait had been quite long, but the important thing is I married the right person who truly loves God. God has rescued and redeemed me from the possibility of lifelong misery. This experience serves as an eternal proof of how God truly loves me. He didn’t allow me to settle for the wrong person. He saved the best for me. Not that my husband is perfect, but the best match to teach me and fill me with what I need.

There are important things that I have learned from this experience that I want to share especially to the singles:

1.) God blesses a fully surrendered heart. Trust that God knows us better than we know ourselves, so let’s give everything to Him.

2.) Love with the right principles; true love is based on the right principles, not merely on feelings. It says in the Bible that “the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked”…so dare not trust your feelings. (Don’t believe with the saying “Follow your heart and you will never go wrong.” That’s not true)

3.) There is real power in prayer. Be bold with God and pour your heart to Him. He doesn’t always answer with what we expect but always with what is best. You’ll be surprised by what God can do.

4.) Listen to your parents, they love you and just want what’s best for you. It’s true, there’s power in a mother’s prayer. I’ve experienced that in my life.

5.) Choose a man who loves God more than anything or anyone, even you. Because, if a man loves God, everything will fall into place.

Finally, I want to leave a verse from the Bible which is in Proverbs 19:14. It says, “Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife [a good husband] is from the Lord”.
“Bahay at kayamanan ay minamana sa magulang, ngunit ang mabuting asawa ay galing sa Panginoon.”
To the singles who are longing for lifetime partners who is from God, just earnestly pray and surrender your heart to God, He will lead You to the right one. Make Jesus your friend, and He will make you a beautiful love story; a match made in heaven.

Christian Walk, Faith, Friendship, Testimony, True Story, Uncategorized


A POWERFUL TESTIMONY: A touching testimony of an angel I came to know, and so blessed that God gave me an opportunity to know someone like her.

Meet my dear Ate Arlene Vigilia. I came to know her through my in-laws when they met her for a missionary trip in Baja, California in Rosarito, Mexico. My mother in law was amazed with her due to her proficiency in their native language, Spanish.

Ate Arlene was an obstetric nurse who had assisted many deliveries in the US and was a certified medical doctor in Mexico. Her father was an Adventist pastor who migrated to the United States together with the whole family when her firstborn sibling petitioned them all. She came from a family of 9, Ate Arlene was the second to the youngest.

She studied Nursing in the United States and at the same time, while working, she took her medical degree in Mexico that helped her to be a very good Spanish conversationalist, both to my in laws and to all her Hispanic patients in the US to think that their language of instruction in Mexico is Spanish. She was a certified and licensed doctor in Mexico. In 2007, she was trying to get a medical license in the United States. She tried twice, but hadn’t got the US Medical license. She stopped trying after the second try and just continue to do her nursing job in Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital in Los Angeles California where she worked until she retired in 2016. Her desire to be a doctor was rooted on her desire to better serve the community where they do mission trips during her younger days. I met her when she was 57 years old already. She never stopped doing her missionary trip from her younger days till she fell ill last year.

A missionary by heart, just like Paul, a tentmaker, she worked her nursing shifts and spends it for missionary purposes. She already had set plans every year on her scheduled mission trips and saves money for those trips. She has been to different parts of the world from America to Asia to do medical missions, church building and outreach programs. With a frugal lifestyle, she supported different ministries both in the US and in the Philippines. One of those is the “It is Written ” ministry and supporting lay pastors in the Philippines. One involvement she had recently, was being a medical director for Uganda of directed to help the people in Africa. She was fully retired from her job as a nurse in 2016. She dedicated all her time in this ministry where they were inculcating education, water supply building, feeding and health teaching on nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Teaching them how to cook different indigenous vegetables available in their community.

She was a selfless person; whose desire was to help people to draw them to Jesus. I never had dull moments staying in her house. With complete books of Ellen White and nursing, medical health books she has, it was like I was inside a huge library! I remember when she was driving with me going for Mia’s prenatal appointment, she will gaze up to the sky and say, “Elvie, I’m only waiting for Jesus to come.” With gospel music in the car, it felt like Heaven on Earth already. God has prepared the path already before I came to the United States then. I delivered in the hospital where she worked. She was my nurse at home during my labor hour doing internal examinations where she was completely equipped for any emergency home delivery, she drove me to the hospital the at the same time doing her morning shift, she was beside me in the delivery room, she was my postpartum nurse on duty to the hospital, she took me home with her since I lived with her for six months in Norwalk, California.  She was the one driving me back and forth for pre- and postnatal appointments when I had Mia. She helped me to go through the passports of my Mia and Emma, driving back and forth to Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles, California. She fetched me from San Diego to Los Angeles the time I had postpartum hemorrhage for a uterine atony because of overstretching my uterus for my Emma who then weighed 8.3 pounds! She arranged my surgery in the same hospital where I delivered Mia, where she was working at the same time. Since she was working there, the hospital gave me a priority for a surgery the next day and a hospital discount! What a blessing! The concern she had during that time I called regarding the postpartum hemorrhage that she was so worried of, coming from a night shift when I called her that morning, she said that she’ll ask one of our friends, Jennifer, to drive her to fetch me in San Diego since she couldn’t drive 2 hours long due to some car accident that partly debilitated her back to endure a 2-hour drive. I stayed with her for a month till it’s a day before my flight going back to Dubai. She always said that her house is the house of God. Anyone who is a missionary or any one in need of shelter were welcome in her house! She was with me with my first travel back to the Philippines from the US. I’m so blessed how God arranged that trip that she can go for a holiday on the same departure date I have from the US to the Philippines.

I will always have fun memory of her, after her mission trip in Aklan, Philippines in 2008.She spent a week with us in Batangas. she would just get a knife, go to the field, get some fresh vegetables, flowers, anything she can use to make a meal at home. She would cook her fresh harvest and voila! We have instant squash, alugbati, moringa, and saluyot soup fresh from the farm! She was indeed a star chef! Not only that, she taught me about spiritual matters, cooking styles and techniques but also preparing for the future! I remember that when I came back to the Philippines in 2008, I encouraged my parents to get an estate for cemetery. I learned that from my Ate Arlene! She showed me her piece of memorial lot in California, even her Funeral program is ready! She arranged all the programs just for her not to be a burden to her family in time that she needs to rest while waiting for Jesus to come if Jesus will not yet come while she was still alive! That’s how ready she was!

Sadly, at the end of May 2017, she died of breast cancer. Up to now, when I think of her, there is an ache in my heart. I thought that with the healthy lifestyle she had, both body and soul, I could see that she would so much of her future ahead of her, that she would experience a crisp old age. The only thing that I don’t have any gauge of was her mind. She came from a broken marital relationship that time when I came to know her, she was already a year divorced when she got married.  They had no children since she got married when she was 56 years old with her husband who was 16 years junior than her, who then during that time, was working as a lay pastor from another Christian denomination. I can feel her pain every time she tells her story to me. 6 years have passed since the last time I was with her in 2007. Even when she came for a visit in the Philippines in 2008 and 2011 and when I was there in the US in 2012, I could still feel her pain when she talked about her estranged husband. Despite their separation, she still extended her support to the local ministry where her ex-husband was in the Philippines, and she did her medical mission trips in that place every time she visited the Philippines for a vacation. Her heartache doubled when she learned that her ex-husband is going to be married to a Filipina residing in their community in Aklan, Philippines.

Her family in the United States asked me if I knew anything about it or if Ate Arlene told me about any health concerns she had. It was only some fainting spell two weeks before she died that they came to know that she was already in her terminal stage of cancer. Ate Arlene was a very stoic person, she didn’t complain even when she felt any pain in her body. She frequently kept that to herself. Rather to be in the hospital during the last two weeks of her life, she chose hospice care and waited for her time at the house of her sister in Glendale California. I was able to speak to her, that night before she died, and prayed with her. She couldn’t talk anymore as what the family told me that possibly she can’t utter any word to me since she was already not talking to them due to her tremendous pain. But during that night, she spoke in a very soft hoarse voice telling me, “Elvie, don’t cry, don’t cry!”

Just as how my husband describes her, “She was a lady with a big heart!” I’m seeing an awesome angel sent from above every time I think about her. She was very loving, caring and an inspiring angel to me. I don’t look at her as a friend, I look at her as my mother. I even told her that when we retire for good in the Philippines, I invited her to live with us in Batangas and continue to do her mission work there. She was so glad to do her ministry with us. Ate Arlene will forever occupy a space in my heart…

Sadly, she left us, but gladly, she is now resting to wait for what she’s dreaming of every time in a different scenario. No longer waiting, but now, beside our Savior Jesus when He comes. Just like what 1 Corinthians 15: 55,57,58 says:

Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Ate Arlene experienced challenges in her life but that did not stop her to dedicate her life for the lost souls, inspire people and encourage so many to look on Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. This verse gave me an assurance that all her labor in the Lord will surely not be in vain… See you ate Arlene, see you in the resurrection morning!

Christian Walk, Faith, God, Testimony, True Story

When God Turned a Ream of A4 Paper to Piles of Books

Last year, I applied for the Special Professional Licensure Exam (SPLE) for Psychometricians in Abu Dhabi, UAE in the hopes to improve my career. I have done the requirements, and the next step was to study for review. We are blessed that nowadays, so many review materials are available within our fingertips. One example is the free e-books circulating on the internet. However, it is very strenuous to the eyes if you read e-books on your gadgets. Well, in my case, I had to print those suggested review materials given to us and that was my problem. I didn’t have a printer. I never thought of needing one since I only print in the office. Commercial printing in Dubai is quite expensive unlike in the Philippines, not to mention that you will be printing thick books!

I had already exhausted my savings just for acquiring my documents (processing and shipping fees from Dubai to the Philippines then back to Dubai). Again, I prayed to God to help me, this time with my review materials. When I finished praying, I remembered that I have a church mate who has a printer who lives nearby my flat. At least my expenses would be cut. At least I only had to buy A4 paper and ink cartridge. I contacted Alex and asked him that I would use his printer. I was so glad that he would lend me his printer. After talking to Alex, I asked my roommate Jessa to accompany me to buy the stuff for printing. I knew that I would need more A4 paper and ink cartridges. So, I decided to print first the documents that I urgently needed. With that in mind, I only bought one ream of A4 paper and an ink cartridge. After shopping, Jessa and I both agreed to stroll around the mall before heading to Alex’s place. We enjoyed window shopping so much that we lost track of time. Silly us! I told Jessa that it was already late. And, maybe Alex had gone to sleep too. I didn’t want to cause Jessa and Alex more trouble. I thought to myself that I would print the ebooks the next day instead. So, we went home. Since it was summertime in the UAE, it was very humid, even if it was already late at night. When we reached home, we got so thirsty that we hurriedly went to the pantry to drink water. Cheyser, our housemate happened to be in the pantry as well. She asked us where we’d been. And so, I told her the story.

Upon hearing my new endeavor, Cheyser was so thrilled about it. Much to my surprise, she offered me something that I was not expecting at all. She said that she would print all the e-books and review materials that I needed. I couldn’t believe my ears. I couldn’t imagine God’s providence. I didn’t see it coming at all! I thought that my plan for using Alex’s printer was a good idea. However, God gave me a better, much better solution to my ‘problem’. You see, the gesture of my housemate, Cheyser, reminded me about a scripture in Isaiah 55:8-9 which says, “for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” I thought that my way of saving money by using Alex’s printer was good. However, God’s way was much better. Instead of buying many reams of A4 and lots of ink cartridges. God used my housemate Cheyser to print all of my review materials for FREE! Isn’t it amazing?

As Christians, we don’t believe in coincidences. We believe that we meet people for a reason and a purpose. God’s ways and plans are better than ours. And, not to mention His timing, always perfect. I was so convinced that meeting Cheyser in the pantry at that specific time (especially when Cheyser usually sleeps early) was God’s way of answering my prayer. God answered my prayer through my friend Cheyser.

There is no wonder to me why our Father is called Almighty Father. He does mighty things. He is a God of infinite possibilities. Amazing God, He truly is. I had an ear-to-ear smile and was a little bit teary-eyed when I reached home the following day seeing the printed e-books placed on our table. God is marvelous! I still couldn’t fathom how great His measures are. Marveled as I was, I touched the books as if it was treasures of gold! I felt like God was telling me, “Here Rebecca, I have had provided you ALL the things you needed. Go, study, and give your very best.”

The A4 paper that I bought (left), and the printed review materials that gave me for FREE (right).

Christian Walk, Faith, God, Testimony, True Story

Lord, Thank You for the Trials

I wrote this love letter when I was on the plane going back to Dubai from the Philippines. While I recalled the moments, I remembered one of the toughest circumstances in my life. I tried to hold back my tears, yet I couldn’t contain it. Tough times caused me to shed tears of joy.

I just want to share with you how God rescued me from one of the most tremendous storms in my life. It’s been years since I became a single mother of six children and what burdens me more is that I’ve been away from them since I had to work abroad to support them. But I praise God that He sustained my family.

One day, there was something serious happened in my family that it came to the point that I had to make a tough decision. Tough in a sense that I didn’t know what would be the outcome of that decision that I made.

It was in the month of September 2019 that I received a message from my daughter which troubled me a lot and I understood how she felt because they had a traumatic experience when their father became irresponsible. While I was talking to my daughter and she told me everything that had happened. I was greatly worried when she said, “Mama! I don’t want to stay in this house. I better go and run away from this house or else I will die.” At that time, I was speechless then after a while I responded, “what’s going on? I couldn’t work properly. I was bothered on she said daughter. I wanted to call her but I couldn’t because I was at work and was not allowed to use my mobile during working hours. I knew there was something wrong why my 12-year-old daughter thought like that. And soon after our conversation, I came to know from her siblings that she attempted suicide. I didn’t know what to do. I just sat down for a minute and I told myself that I had to go back home to the Philippines.

At that time, in my mind I prayed to the Lord. I said, Lord, you know my situation right now. I am not financially ready to go home and send my kids to Mindanao.” I asked the Lord to give me strength to carry on and to think positively. But still I couldn’t sleep that night. I was worried about my children back home. I didn’t know what to do. Morning came and I praised God because when I approached my employer and asked for two weeks leave, she gave me permission without any hesitation and she even booked my ticket. I knew that it was hard for my boss to give me leave of absence as her roster was full at that time but she understood my situation nonetheless.

You know when you’re in an emergency situation and worse you don’t have enough means it gives you a lot of stress. That was how I felt that time. And so again, I prayed to God saying, “Lord, you know I have only one-month’s salary with me as a pocket money, it’s not enough but I need to go home. Help me how to find a way for the rest of my needs. It was Sabbath day and I was in the church. My dearest friends invited me to join for a prayer bond. I find ways escape from them not because I don’t want to join in prayer but because I cannot hold my tears. I didn’t prevail in my plan as I was sitting with them. While praying, I kept on crying until the prayer was over. I was so thankful for my brothers and sisters in church for offering me a prayer.

The next morning Sister Jane sent me a message, it was good news. Without my knowledge, she was trying to help me sort out my needs. Indeed, God uses people as an instrument. In my case, He answered my prayer through my brethren in the church. I couldn’t forget my churchmates especially Sister Millet, Sister Hershey and her family, Brother Princely, Brother Rot, Sister Jinky, Sister Rina and to all of my brothers and sisters in Christ who prayed for me continuously. Until now, I am still very thankful to them from the bottom of my heart.

I was already set to go home for two weeks. As soon as I arrived home, I cleared all of my children’s school papers for transfer. It was really strenuous. I was so exhausted every single day. I had booked our tickets going to Mindanao and time was running out. I was not yet done with their school papers. I started to worry. I had only few days left to settle everything in Laguna. Lo, and behold, God is always on time. I got all the papers that I needed for my kids at the last minute. I praised God for His goodness! We could finally set sail to Mindanao.

Because of the time constraint, I didn’t have time to ship our things through cargo and so we had lots of luggage. Imagine, we brought all our things all the way from Laguna to Mindanao by ourselves! When we reached the seaport at 4 am, one of the officers told me that the schedule of our voyage would be delayed for 2 days. I was distressed with that bad news not to mention my exhaustion from having insufficient sleep ever since I arrived from Dubai, and from packing our stuff by myself. I have decided to sleep for a while in the pier then stay in the nearest and cheapest hotel while waiting for our voyage. Though we all slept on the bench for a short period, I was thankful to God and praised Him for our safety. Despite our situation, I could still see how happy my kids were especially the little ones.

Finally, the day had come and we boarded the ship. We traveled for one day and two nights then we reached Cagayan de Oro or commonly called CdO. Upon reaching CdO, we needed to travel four hours by bus to reach home. My mother was surprised to see us because no one told her that we were coming. She hadn’t seen me nor her grandchildren for fourteen long years. She couldn’t even recognize her grandchildren because the last time I went home, I only brought my eldest daughter who was then two years old.

Despite life’s problems, don’t forget to smile.
My children enjoying the view. First time to ride a ship.

I knew that it would be difficult for my children to adjust to their new environment especially in terms of communicating with people in their new community. All of them were born and raised in Laguna in which the dialect was Tagalog. My children had to learn Bisaya. I believe that eventually they can adapt so I keep on encouraging them.

After two weeks I had to leave them and go back to Dubai to work. I left them with a happy face. I thank God for helping me through my siblings and my church family. I also thank the Lord for my sister who pledged to take care of my children while I am away for work. Sometimes, I keep on asking why I had a lot of trials in life. But, in spite of these trials, I always keep in mind that God is always with me. And with God beside us, nothing is impossible.

I praise God for His promise in Joshua 1:9 which says, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord God is with you wherever you go.”  This verse gives me strength every time I am feeling down. I thank God for the trials that I had. I know in this world that we live in, there’s always problems and tribulations. But we have a God that is bigger than our problems. A God that is able and mighty. A God who is faithful and keeps His promises.

I keep on praying that God will help me to stand still whatever trials may come. May we have faith and be of good courage just like Joshua. With this, I encourage everyone to keep the faith and to pray more as we are face life’s challenges. May this testimony of mine inspires you and makes you see how wonderful our God is. God bless us all.